Recycled Sketchbooks/journals
vary in size, shape and cover materials (typically paper, although a few fabric ones show up periodically).
** these are soft cover books** typically a Western printmaking paper, which holds up well over time, but is not a hard cover material.
Useful for: sketchbook, journal, diary, to-do list, address/phone book, note pad, grocery list, sign in book, photo album, sticker album, anything really! Each book has a built-in pocket somewhere, because sometimes you need a pocket to hold things.
Recycled books make excellent gifts for people of all ages and interests - house warming, birthday, just-'cuz-you-like-them, stocking stuffers...
These little books are fashioned out of reused or found prints, papers, bags, fabrics, odd materials, and leftover newsprint from printing projects. I print on the cover material through the monotype process - many covers are made from prints donated by my lovely and talented printmaking students. Next, I tear down the interior newsprint papers to fit, and machine stitch the binding.
I began making sketchbooks for myself many years ago while studying art in undergraduate school. Classmates wanted me to make one for them too, then they wanted to buy a couple for their friends, and it soon turned into a regular project. I enjoy the variety and interesting character these books have, as each one is unique.
Made in Denver, CO by yours truly.
These creative and inspiring notebooks have bits of images and random mark-making to kick-start your imagination and creativity.
Current size is 6x8.